

Chipping Norton Town Council — The Journey to Achieving the Foundation and Quality Awards


Luci Ashbourne, town clerk and chief executive officer at Chipping Norton Town Council, Oxfordshire.

I am so proud that we have recently been awarded both the Foundation and Quality Local Council Awards. This recognition is a significant milestone for our Council, reflecting our commitment to high standards in governance, community engagement, and continuous improvement.

When I joined the Council in April 2021, it was clear that we needed to bring our operations up to date, particularly in the areas of governance, health and safety, officer and member relations, and ensuring we were open and accessible to the public. The journey since then has been both challenging and rewarding, and these awards are a testament to the progress we’ve made together as a team.

Working through the criteria provided by the Local Council Award Scheme has offered a clear framework that ensures our Council operates effectively and transparently. This structured approach has been instrumental in guiding our team through essential areas such as governance, community development, and staff and councillor improvement.

The Foundation Award demonstrates that our Council meets the legal requirements and standard practices expected of local councils. It reassures our community that we are operating lawfully and responsibly. The Quality Award takes this a step further, recognising our good practice in governance, our proactive community engagement, and our ongoing efforts to improve as a council.

Achieving these awards has instilled a sense of pride and accomplishment among our staff and Councillors. It’s a collective achievement that serves as a fantastic reminder of the importance of good governance, openness, and transparency. Our journey also highlights the value of being engaged with our community—listening to their needs and ensuring that our actions reflect their voices.

This accomplishment is not just a recognition of where we are today but also a stepping stone towards continued excellence. The framework provided by the Local Council Award Scheme has equipped us with the tools to keep improving and evolving as we serve the people of Chipping Norton.

We encourage other councils to consider the Local Council Award Scheme as a way to benchmark and celebrate their successes. It’s more than just an accolade; it’s a process that strengthens the foundation of good governance and community leadership.

As we look ahead, we remain committed to maintaining these standards and continuing to work in the best interest of our community.

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