National Improvement Strategy

The National Improvement Strategy embodies a nationwide commitment to training and development in the parish and town council sector, supported by national, regional, and local organisations. The strategy aims to provide parish and town councils with training and development opportunities to optimise their roles and simplify their duties. The strategy is a unified vision for how parish and town councils can positively impact their communities and a common understanding of their responsibilities in driving improvement. It serves as a foundation for further discussion on the role of parish and town councils, how they can best serve their communities, and what can be accomplished by enhancing this most local tier of government.

The strategy, created by the Improvement and Development Board (IDB), aimed to integrate existing work streams, ensuring they complement each other and are delivered as a cohesive package. This strategy would outline a vision for the sector over the next five years and beyond, aspiring to include ambitious, unprecedented programs or themes. It would also better describe and define the range of improvement activities nationwide, such as supporting difficult councils.

A period of consultation and development was necessary to ensure the strategy truly reflected the needs and aspirations of parish and town councils. This process took place between 2015 and 2016. It included conducting an initial survey, forming working groups, consulting with the Smaller Councils Committee and the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), engaging with the National Assembly, Management Board and Larger Councils Committee, carrying out a second consultation with parish and town councils and county association, and finalising the strategy through endorsement from the then Department for Communities and Local Government, the Local Government Association and the SLCC.

A set of principles has been developed to guide the planning and delivery of all new programmes:

  • The starting point for any new initiative is to identify a clear need. The IDB will consult with individuals in parish and town councils, sector organisations, and other stakeholders such as government and principal authorities to understand this need or demand. Additionally, the IDB will gather insights into existing assets, strengths, and initiatives that might support the desired change.
  • The planning phase of any new initiative will involve as many people and organisations as possible. This ensures that all new programmes are based on the extensive knowledge and understanding of parish and town councils, county associations, and national partners.
  • The IDB will understand how any new initiative fits within parish and town councils' broader context, including legislation, regulations, national policies, and existing improvement and development programmes. This ensures that new work programmes are relevant and complementary to existing support programmes.
  • The strategy recognises that all work must be delivered in partnership, allowing collaboration at all levels. Any work programme under the new strategy will enable parish and town councils, councillors, and clerks to shape the work and encourage collaboration among the organisations involved in local programme delivery.
  • The strategy reflects the sector's nature, where personal and organisational leadership occurs at all levels. Improvement programmes should ensure that responsibility and power are distributed throughout organisations and networks.
  • A learning culture encourages the generation of ideas, experimentation, and problem-solving. The strategy will be open to learning from peers, experts, and academics and will adapt its approach based on these insights. It will seek solutions to challenges, focusing on change rather than blame.