The government publishes the revised National Planning Policy Framework
The government published the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 12 December 2024. The framework sets out the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
The key changes set out in the framework, effective immediately, include:
- Mandatory housing targets for principal authorities to drive housebuilding, with increased targets in areas facing the highest levels of unaffordability.
- Measures to ensure that principal authorities develop or update local plans that cater to the needs of their communities.
- Principal authorities must identify and prioritise lower-quality grey belt land to meet housing targets.
- New Golden Rules for greenbelt development require developers to provide essential infrastructure for local communities, such as nurseries, GP surgeries, transportation, and a higher proportion of affordable housing.
- Increased emphasis on affordable housing, particularly social rent.
The updates to the NPPF follow a government consultation conducted over the summer, to which we and many parish and town councils responded. The government has also published its response.