Youth Engagement Summit 
18 July 2024 — 10.00 – 16.00
£65 + VAT

Does your local (parish and town) council provide platforms where young people can voice their perspectives and contribute to decision-making processes? NALC, the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), and One Voice Wales (OVW) are joining forces to host the Youth Engagement Summit. The the virtual event for local councils, councillors, clerks and council staff across England and Wales to explore innovative ways to engage and inspire young people. Join the summit to discover how to create meaningful apprenticeship opportunities that equip young individuals with valuable skills and experience, cultivate the next generation of political leaders – learn ways to empower young people in your community to take their rightful place in the political arena, delve into the intricacies of how young people can influence policy decisions in the Senedd. This training promises to be a transformative experience that will equip you with the tools and knowledge to unlock the full potential of youth influence in policy-making, celebrate the remarkable achievements of young councillors, be inspired by their dedication and leadership and explore how local councils can support and promote the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh Award, fostering personal development and community service among youth.

Buy Tickets (ticket orders are via the SLCC website, which will require an existing or new SLCC account)


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