By Daisy Petrow on Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Category: News

Reflections on the Star Council Awards

Author: Cllr Lorna Berrett, councillor and chair, Botley and North Hinksey Parish Council

With the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Star Council Awards nominations open for 2024 I’ve been reflecting on my experience of being selected as Councillor of the Year for 2023. When I received an email saying I’d been nominated I really thought it meant the whole council and only when I went to the website and saw my name and a list of things I’d done did I understand that, yes, they really did mean me! I was surprised and delighted as it was completely unexpected.  

Going to the awards day in Westminster in November was a real highlight for a politics geek like me! Coming out of the underground and walking to the houses of parliament I felt again what a privilege it is to be involved, even in a very small way, with British democracy. But I really didn’t know what to expect from the event. Once I arrived and started talking to others as we gathered I thought “I’ve found my people”! I spoke to many councillors, clerks and local association representatives who had similar experiences to me, who were facing the same challenges and successes! 

The list of achievements represented by the nominated councillors I met was really impressive and gave me some ideas to take back home. I was not expecting to win the award and I felt honoured to be nominated alongside such strong councillors from across the country. I feel it’s a privilege to be elected to serve your community and it’s also an education, and I continue to learn every day. As a councillor I try build on all the amazing work done by volunteers and  public workers across our community so the award was for all of them too. 

I first stood as a councillor after being involved in a local campaign and seeing how a community can make change happen against what might seem unlikely odds. Since then, I’ve learned so much about how our communities thrive and grow through the power of volunteers and people who give voice to those less able to make themselves heard. When the pandemic came along that really revealed what we can achieve in our communities when we come together. 

The Star Council Awards provide a positive acknowledgement of the pivotal role of town and parish councillors. We are the first level of government and sometimes the responsibility seems enormous yet the remit is limited, but we can make an impact bigger than many expect. For example, by helping local communities come together and take action we can help address climate change locally, promote green spaces and facilities for the community, and make sure whatever money is available is used for initiatives that are supported and used by people on the ground. It’s not easy and, as volunteers we fit this in around busy lives. I’d support more opportunities to bring in younger councillors and more diversity as well as support to increase accessibility and ways to allow us to do the roles more flexibly. 

So, the Star Council Awards are a great way to acknowledge the work, dedication and resilience of councils, councillors and clerks and shine a light on the great work that goes on in so many small halls, offices and homes across the country that help make our communities even better places to live, grow, and grow older. So, if you have a stand-out council, councillor or clerk where you are, please think about nominating them for an award for 2024.

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