By Daisy Petrow on Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Category: News

Is your parish and town council looking for support for environmental projects?  

Author: Kate Sullivan, education and engagement manager, RECOUP

Everything we buy, use and consume is provided by natural resources on planet earth. The problem is, we are utilising those resources at a far faster rate than the earth can regenerate them which is unsustainable and risks future generations’ health and wellbeing and financial and political security.

Additionally, over consumption is a key driver of climate change and habitat loss which has implications for the biodiversity on which humans depend. Often the scale and complexity of environmental challenges likes these can leave us feeling unsure of where to start or like our individual actions are insignificant, both of which can lead to inaction.

One way we can address these environmental and social concerns is by adopting a buy less mindset and swapping the way we shopThis simple step can reduce the effects of climate change and help restore nature because we use less energy and disturb fewer habitats to grow or extract the resources required for our purchases. Furthermore, we can build on these positive actions by extending the life of our purchases by using them again and again and sharing and repairing them before we put them in the recycle bin.

Clothing is one example of this. Traditionally, clothing was produced from natural materials like wool and cotton but now 60% of clothing fibres are synthetic, such as plastic based polyester which being derived from oil is a finite resource and will eventually run out. Managing the natural resources which enable our lives is a significant challenge, but did you know that globally the textile and clothing industry accounts for 8-10% of global greenhouse gases which cause climate change. In the UK alone, the amount of carbon dioxide gas released during the production of clothing in 2016 was 26.2 million tonnes and the amount of clothing were buying is increasing.

RECOUP, is a charity and the UK’s leading independent authority and trusted voice on plastic resource efficiency and recycling. We provide education and project support to communities to collectively take small actions which make a big difference. One example of our work is with East Hunsbury Parish Council to host a coat exchange this autumn. Coat exchanges are where coats which are unwanted or unneeded are donated by communities and made freely available for anyone looking for an environmentally conscious upgrade to their winter wardrobe.

Local (town and parish) councils are perfectly poised to provide leadership and support to enable their community to address climate change and restore nature. We are looking for town and parish councils who are interested in working with us on other environmental projects. Examples could include: reducing plastic packaging through community orchards and allotments, gardeners and growers pots swap, toy libraries, recycle bins in parks, Christmas jumper and world book day costume exchanges etc. We can provide practical project support in the form of toolkits, and advice and support with potential funding. To find out more contact We’d love to hear from you!

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