By Daisy Petrow on Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Category: News

Understanding White Ribbon and its relevance for local councils

Author: Daisy Petrow, communications officer, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)

In the landscape of societal change, the White Ribbon campaign stands as a beacon of hope and advocacy, aiming to end violence against women and girls. But what exactly is White Ribbon, and why does it matter? Let’s delve into this crucial initiative and explore its significance for local (parish and town) councils, and how they can actively participate.

What is White Ribbon?

White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls. White Ribbon seeks to address the root causes of violence against women, promote gender equality, and foster healthy relationships. Its mission is to engage men and boys as allies in this fight, recognising that they play a pivotal role in challenging and changing harmful attitudes and behaviours.

At its core, White Ribbon operates on the principle of prevention through education and awareness. By encouraging men and boys to take a public pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women, the campaign sparks crucial conversations and actions that challenge the norms perpetuating such violence.

Why does it matter?

The importance of White Ribbon can’t be overstated in a society grappling with the pervasive issue of gender-based violence. Here are a few reasons why it matters:

How can local councils get involved?

Local councils are integral to the success of initiatives like White Ribbon at the grassroots level. Here’s how they can get involved.

How can individuals get involved?

Read the non-extensive list about how individuals can get involved in White Ribbon and challenge violence against women and girls in their everyday lives.

In a world where the shadows of gender-based violence loom large, initiatives like White Ribbon offer a glimmer of hope and a pathway to change. By engaging men and boys as allies and advocates, it seeks to create a future where every individual can live free from fear and oppression. 

For local councils, embracing the principles of White Ribbon is not just a moral imperative but a practical necessity. By actively supporting and participating in this campaign, they can contribute to the creation of safer, more inclusive communities where everyone can thrive. So, let’s stand together, pledge our support and work towards a future where violence against women and girls is nothing but a distant memory.

To find out more information about White Ribbon, or for assistance with the accreditation process, please email

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