

NALC launches a new survey on councillor allowances


The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has launched a new survey designed to gather further information on parish basic allowances and dependants' carers' allowances in local (parish and town) councils.

The survey aims to gather data on the current practices regarding these allowances across different local councils. By collecting comprehensive data, NALC can better understand the needs and challenges faced by local councils. This understanding will pave the way for positive changes and improvements in the future.

The new survey allows councillors and clerk from local councils to share their thoughts, experiences, and aspirations. By participating, councils can help directly influence NALC's lobbying of the government and legislative changes.

The survey is designed to be quick and straightforward and will only take a few minutes to complete. It closes on 10 June 2024.

Parish basic allowance is a discretionary allowance, which may be paid in a lump sum or at intervals throughout the year. If a local council wishes to pay a basic allowance, it should consider a recommendation from its parish remuneration panel. Dependants' carers' allowance is a benefit provided to individuals who are caring for someone with a disability or a health condition that requires significant assistance. This allowance is designed to help alleviate some of the financial burden of caring responsibilities. Local councillors can't claim this allowance, whereas borough, district, county, and unitary councillors can.

Complete the survey

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