

Help make The Big Help Out even bigger! 


Author: The Big Help Out team 

During the pandemic, millions of people volunteered to support each other through the most significant national crisis since the Second World War. This cemented volunteering as a core driver of connection.

However, in the years since the worst phase of the pandemic drew to a close, the country has seen a significant decline in volunteer numbers. We saw the opportunity to invite people to step forward in their communities to give their time, not money, to important causes

The Together Coalition came together on 8 May 2023 as part of His Majesty the King and Queen’s Coronation for the largest mobilisation of volunteers since the 2012 Olympic Games and one of the largest since the war.

The first Big Help Out is a large-scale campaign that brought together the UK’s most influential volunteering organisations and hundreds of grassroots community groups (including parish and town councils) to encourage people to try something new. 7.2 million people participated. It also picked up the Charity Times Collaboration of the Year Award for 2023!

In 2024, The Big Help Out will return and align with Volunteers’ Week from 7 to 9 June 2024. We will begin the work of transforming this campaign from a one-off day of mass action for the Coronation into

a vital part of every voluntary organisation’s annual calendar.

For the second year of The Big Help Out, the Together Coalition focus is on scale, sustainability and targeting to empower millions to volunteer and build a legacy from 2023 and enable organisations to convert one-off volunteering into a sustained engagement and reach under-represented and diverse communities who need extra help to volunteer.

We warmly welcome you to be part of another national moment to transform our country, unite our communities and make the UK a better place to live with The Big Help Out 2024.

Find out more about The Big Help out

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