
The harmful impact of gas emissions on Earth is now widely acknowledged, evidenced by rising sea levels, intensified storms, flooding, and habitat destruction. By investing in and endorsing green energy initiatives, parish and town councils can contribute positively to the environment and enhance community resilience. Switching to green energy suppliers enables councils to support the growth of the green energy sector. Additionally, parish and town councils can participate in energy projects that offer interest-free loans to cover up to 100% of the associated costs.

Parish and town councils can play several roles in managing energy within their communities:

  • Energy audits — Conduct energy audits of public buildings and facilities to identify efficiency improvements and cost savings opportunities.
  • Renewable energy generation — Explore the feasibility of installing renewable energy systems, such as solar panels or wind turbines, on public buildings or community-owned land to generate clean, renewable energy.
  • Energy efficiency measures — Implement energy-saving measures in public buildings, such as improving insulation, upgrading lighting to LED, and installing energy-efficient heating and cooling systems.
  • Green procurement — Prioritise purchasing energy-efficient appliances and equipment for public buildings and facilities and seek out environmentally friendly suppliers for goods and services.
  • Support for green initiatives — Provide support and resources for community-led green initiatives, such as energy cooperatives or community energy projects, that aim to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency at the local level.
  • Partnerships — Collaborate with other local authorities, community organisations, businesses, and energy experts to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in energy management and sustainability.
  • Funding opportunities — Seek out grants, subsidies, and funding opportunities from government programs, charitable organisations, and private sector initiatives to support energy projects and initiatives within the community.

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