13 December 2024 — 12.00 – 13.15
NALC member: £30 – Non-member: £40
Sponsors: Clear Councils Insurance, Blachere Illumination and CCLA

Recognising that young people shape our future, it is imperative for all local (parish and town) councils to actively involve them in vital service areas that impact their lives. Moreover, the young individuals engaged by local councils today might emerge as tomorrow's local councillors, emphasising the ongoing necessity for such engagement.

The event will delve deep into understanding how young people envision the most effective ways to engage politically with local councils, exploring the reasons behind this engagement and the practical how-to’s. Gain firsthand insights into a local council's successful approach to engaging and politically acquainting its young population with their community.

Gain a strategic advantage for your local council in effectively involving young people in caring for their community. Discover how to cultivate their interest in becoming the local councillors of the future.

Speakers: Dan Lawes, co-founder of My Life, My Say, Harriet McCann, director of policy and communications at the National Youth Agency and Deborah Tonkiss, clerk at Billericay Town Council



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